Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB):
The comparatively mild winter in 2015-2016 was thought to result in higher survivorship of overwintering adult BMSB populations. However, captures in pheromone traps were relatively low through about mid-August, after which captures increased markedly to levels that exceeded those in 2015. Relatively low levels of Injury from BMSB were reported in apples through much of the season and there were few reports of significant injury to peaches at harvest. However, injury to apples increased between late August and September and there were reports of some orchards sustaining significant injury from this pest at harvest. Despite higher BMSB captures during late season in 2016 than in 2015, the numbers of adults dispersing to buildings in late September and October were not as high as anticipated. In our region, the Asian parasitoid of BMSB eggs, Trissolcus japonicus, has been detected in MD, DE, DC, VA, and WV and appears to be well-established in some locations. As in 2015, there appeared to be fewer issues with outbreaks of woolly apple aphid in 2016, although some orchard consultants reported problems with San Jose scale. Since it has been a long-standing policy of tree fruit Extension Specialists to not recommend post-bloom use of pyrethroids, due to their disruptive effects on natural enemies of secondary pests, we have not included them or pre-mixes containing them in most post-bloom cover sprays for pome fruit. However, the most effective products for BMSB continue to include Belay (neonicotinoid), products containing permethrin, Baythroid, Danitol, and Warrior II (pyrethroids), Lannate (carbamate), and the pre-mixes Endigo ZC and Leverage 360, both of which contain a pyrethoid. Section 18 Emergency Exemptions were issued again in 2016 for the pyrethroid, bifenthrin (Bifenture, Brigade) and the neonicotinoid, dinotefuran (Scorpion, Venom), which are considered very effective against BMSB. Renewals of the Section 18 Exemptions for these products will be sought for the 2017 season, but until notified of an approval by Cooperative Extension personnel, do not use bifenthrin or dinotefuran in apples, dinotefuran in pears, or bifenthrin in stone fruit. Furthermore, while dinotefuran is registered for use in stone fruits, the highest labelled rate may not provide acceptable control of BMSB. Do not use dinotefuran in stone fruit at the higher rates permitted by a Section 18 until notified of an approval. Since the residual effectiveness of products for BMSB control may vary considerably and not extend beyond several days, particularly following rain, we continue to recommend the use of alternate-row-middle applications at about 7-day intervals during much of the growing season. Peaches and nectarines are vulnerable to injury from BMSB from fruit set onward while injury to apples is typically detected from about mid-June onward. For additional information about BMSB and its management in tree fruit orchards, see the following on the website: