Eightspotted forester, Alypia octomaculata (Fabricius)

This is taken primarily from an extension bulletin by D. G. Pfeiffer & P. B. Schultz, entitled "Major Insect and Mite Pests of Grape in Virginia" (Va. Coop. Ext. Serv. 444-567 (1986))
Like the grape plume moth, this species is not a major pest in commercial vineyards, but in the spring it is seen more commonly in Virginia vineyards than most other grape pests. The pupa is the overwintering stage.

Adults emerge and oviposit on grape shoots and leaves in May and June. Moth are black with white and yellow markings (two yellow spots on each forewing, two white spots on each hindwing) (Ohio State University Image). The caterpillars feed on foliage, leaving petioles and larger veins. The markings of the larvae are distinctive, consisting of orange, yellow, black, and white stripes. Although commercial vineyards are not damaged severely, small areas within a vineyard may have concentrated infestations and defoliation. Damage rarely occurs in two consecutive years. When larvae are full-grown they drop to the ground to pupate in soil, in trash on the ground, or in crevices in old wood. There are probably two generations annually.

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