

Effectiveness rating: E = excellent, G = good, F = fair

Disease Effectiveness Suggested Chemicals 100 Gal Dilute Acre Concentrate
Brown rot blossom blight E = 1

G = 2, 3, 4

1. Topsin-M 70W + Captan 50W 6-8 oz + 1-2 lb 18-24 oz + 3-6 lb
Black knot E = 1

F = 2

2. Captan 50W 2 lb 5 lb
    3. Bravo 720 (Or equivalent a.i. of other formulation) 1-1.3 pt 3.1-5.5 pt
    4. Indar 2F ___ 6 fl oz

1 CAUTION: To reduce the potential for development of thiophanate-methyl resistant strains of brown rot and other fungi, these fungicides are recommended only in combination with Captan or other fungicides with different modes of action.

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Web Site Authors: Alan R. Biggs and Douglas G. Pfeiffer